Butternut blog

Can Dogs Eat Onions?


Can Dogs Eat Onions?

No, dogs should not eat onions. They contain compounds, such as thiosulphate, which can be harmful to dogs, even in small amounts.

Can Dogs Eat Tuna?


Can Dogs Eat Tuna?

Yes, dogs can eat tuna. However, it should be fed in moderation as an occasional treat, due to it's high mercury content.

Can Dogs Eat Marmite?


Can Dogs Eat Marmite?

Although Marmite itself is not toxic to dogs, we would not recommend letting them eat it, due to the high sodium and yeast content.

Can Dogs Eat Gherkins?


Can Dogs Eat Gherkins?

No, dogs should not eat gherkins. Their high sodium content can cause significant digestive issues in dogs, as well as dehydration and even salt poisoning.

Can Dogs Eat Garlic?


Can Dogs Eat Garlic?

No, dogs cannot eat garlic. Like other members of the Allium family, it contains compounds called disulfides and thiosulphates which can be toxic to dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Chips?


Can Dogs Eat Chips?

No, dogs should not eat chips. Due to their cooking process, they are typically high in salt and fat, which can lead to health complications in dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Pate?


Can Dogs Eat Pâté?

No, dogs should not eat pâté. Most commercial pâtés contain ingredients which are harmful to dogs, such as onions, garlic and excess salt.

Can Dogs Eat Hummus?


Can Dogs Eat Hummus?

No, dogs should not eat hummus. It contains ingredients which are potentially harmful to dogs, including: onions, garlic, lemon. and tahini.



Can Dogs Eat Marshmallows?

No, dogs should not eat marshmallows. The high sugar content and additives can cause disruption to their digestive system, not to mention the choking hazard that they pose.

Can Dogs Eat Black Pudding?


Can Dogs Eat Black Pudding?

No, dogs should not eat black pudding. It's high fat content and seasonings, such as garlic and onion, can be harmful to your dog's digestive system.

Harley the Corgi


Can Dogs Eat Rice Cakes?

Yes, dogs can eat rice cakes as long as they are plain and unsalted. Their nutritional benefit to dogs is minimal but may be fed in moderation as a treat.



Can Dogs Eat Apricots?

Yes, dogs can eat apricots. They should be pitted and cut into small bite-sized pieces before being fed to dogs in moderation.

Sausage dog


Can Dogs Eat Hot Dogs?

No, dogs should not eat hot dogs. Whether fed raw or cooked, they contain many processed ingredients and high levels of sodium which is harmful to dogs.



Can Dogs Eat Turnips?

Yes, dogs can eat turnips in moderation. They should be cooked, not raw, and served plain with no seasoning, such as garlic or onion.

Dog lying in long grass


Ticks on Dogs | Prevention and Treatment

Dogs typically pick up ticks when exploring outside. Ticks can transmit a variety of diseases, such as Lyme disease, so it's crucial to take prevention methods.

Dog doctor


Essential First Aid for Dogs

Having a basic understanding of pet first aid can be vital to keep your dog safe and healthy. Read our guide to find out more.

Dog playing in the grass


Fleas on Dogs | Prevention and Treatment

Fleas can turn a pup's life into an itchy nightmare. We're here to offer some advice on how to prevent and treat these pesky parasites.

Red Setter


Irish Dog Breeds

From the majestic Irish Wolfhound to the spirited Irish Terrier, these breeds embody the resilience and charm of the Emerald Isle.

Bella the dog and Butternut Box pouch


How Often Does a Dog Need to Eat?

The frequency at which dogs need to eat varies depending on things like their breed and activity level. Most dogs eat twice a day, in the morning and evening.

Freya the dog awaiting her Butternut Box meal


What's the Best Time of Day to Feed a Dog?

The ideal feeding times very much varies from to dog. Most people find that feeding their dog twice, in the morning and evening, fits in well with their own routine.

Hannah giving treats to her dog


How Do I Know If My Dog Loves Me?

Curled up at your feet or greeting you with unbridled joy, our pups have a unique way of expressing their love. But what signs should we be looking out for?

Dog tag


What to Put on a Dog's ID Tag

ID tags serve as a lifeline, providing vital information to ensure a swift reunion should our dogs ever wander astray.

Can Dogs Eat Lettuce?


Can Dogs Eat Lettuce?

Yes, dogs can eat lettuce. It's a great low calorie, nutritious snack which will give your dog a delightful crunch. Ensure that it's washed and fed in moderation.

How to Introduce a Puppy to a Dog


How to Introduce a Puppy to a Dog

Puppy's first experiences are crucial for their development, and being introduced to a dog is no exception.

Insurance for your dog


Nourishing Your Pet's Health & Why Pet Insurance Is Essential

Insurance is an essential part of being a pet parent. Insurance providers, such as Waggel, can give you peace of mind and help to minimise financial stressors.